Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Article Marketing is for Kids too,

5 Easy Steps So Kids Can Write Articles Too

By Kenton Verhoeff

I learn at home, and mom insists that writing is important. I agree. But, I don’t like to just write for a grade, so I wanted something more important to do with my work.

I write articles to sell my books. It’s called Article Marketing.

I write some articles about things I wanted to share, and Mom gave me a list of topics I could write about. (She copied them from the ezinearticles.com site.)

I picked some topics and started organizing my work. There’s a simple five step process that I use to write almost everything.

First Step

Pick a topic and write a question or thought to introduce the idea I want to write about.

Second Step

Write a paragraph or two about the topic. Answer the question I asked, or expand my idea.

Third Step

Tell something about the idea. Why did I want to write about it? What makes it important.

Forth Step

Solve any problems I created with questions.

Fifth Step

Give the story a name. If you use something like steps in your title people read it a lot. They like catch words like easy, simple, and magic too.

Then you put it all together, count the words (I use word count), and put it in the submit place on ezinearticles.com Your article has to have at least 250 words to be qualified.

I try to write more words, but some articles are just short. Mom says my articles should be between 400 and 700 words. But, she said that’s for the best noticed articles.

I use keywords in my articles so people can find them online too. This article is about Article Marketing for Kids.

Kenton Verhoeff writes children’s books. He uses computer generated art in his books and tells stories that teach kids something good. His stories are simple and easy to read. Kenton is Home Schooled at Buchanan Academy. His website is at http://www.freewebs.com/kentonverhoeff and you can read his blog at http://kentonverhoeff.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Angela Chen Shui, "The Soul Alignment Coach" said...


I read about your article from your Mom's comment on EzineArticles.com's blog. Then I read your article and skipped over here.

I'm very impressed that you've already written your first book and that you're marketing it with articles.

I've bookmarked all your pages to show to my own children. My daughter wanted to start a blog over the Christmas holidays but I wasn't sure I was ready for her to have an online presence... she's just eight.

I feel a bit better seeing your own work... so I'll let her begin if she still wants to...

Thanks, Kevin and all the very best with your book sales and your writing.
